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Kapp Linné: Isfjord Radio

Historical coastal radio station, modern arctic wilderness hotel

Kapp Linne, Isfjord Radio: Map

Kapp Lin­né with the old sta­ti­on Isfjord radio is loca­ted at the ent­rance to Isfjord on the west coast of Spits­ber­gen.

The­re is also a gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on page about Kapp Lin­né and the sur­roun­ding area up to Fest­nin­gen. This page is not about the sur­roun­dings, but about Kapp Lin­né its­elf, the old radio sta­ti­on Isfjord Radio and its histo­ry.

Kapp Linne, Isfjord Radio

Kapp Lin­né (2009).

The first pan­o­r­amic view is of Kapp Lin­né, with a wide view across Isfjord – you can just make out Alk­hor­net on the other side – and the open sea. Near­by, the­re is a self-shot trap for polar bears: The crew at the sta­ti­on also hun­ted polar bears in their spa­re time, as long as it was allo­wed. Polar bears have been ful­ly pro­tec­ted in Sval­bard sin­ce 1973.

Kapp Lin­né is the flat for­eland whe­re the sou­thern shore of the Isfjord bends sou­thwards and joins the west coast of Spits­ber­gen. The pro­mon­to­ry is named after the famous Swe­dish bota­nist Carl von Lin­né, who never tra­vel­led to Spits­ber­gen.

Kapp Lin­né: natu­re and memo­ries

Kapp Lin­né is a beau­tiful place. Not what many might asso­cia­te with the spec­ta­cu­lar Arc­tic, with its rug­ged moun­ta­ins, wild gla­ciers and deep fjords, but a place that that may some­ti­mes be wea­ther-bea­ten but is other­wi­se beau­tiful in a quiet, some­what reser­ved way. The vast coas­tal plain has a lot to offer in terms of scenic land­scape details (espe­ci­al­ly in sum­mer, when the snow is gone), and the many small wet­lands and lakes pro­vi­de bree­ding grounds for many birds. This is of cour­se some­thing the arc­tic fox is inte­res­ted in, and reinde­er are ple­n­ti­ful in the vast tun­dra. The occa­sio­nal polar bear also roams the area, which I had the plea­su­re of see­ing on seve­ral occa­si­ons. Well, old memo­ries – I am diver­ting now a moment, but I have a per­so­nal rela­ti­onship with this beau­tiful place: I work­ed in the small hotel for a late winter/spring sea­son in 1999. That was a long time ago, of cour­se, but it was an exci­ting and won­derful time and I che­rish tho­se memo­ries. Both the natu­re and the peo­p­le the­re have shaped what Spits­ber­gen means to me to this day. But that’s just a side note, alt­hough I could fill a few more pages with memo­ries of that time 🙂.

Kapp Linne, polar bear

A visi­tor (1999).

Isfjord Radio

The for­mer radio sta­ti­on Isfjord Radio is loca­ted on Kapp Lin­né. The first Nor­we­gi­an radio sta­ti­on ‘Spits­ber­gen Radio’ was estab­lished in 1911 at Fin­nes­et in Grønfjord, whe­re the­re was alre­a­dy a Nor­we­gi­an wha­ling sta­ti­on. The radio and wea­ther sta­ti­on at Fin­nes­et ope­ra­ted until 1930, when it was moved to Lon­gye­ar­by­en for a few years. In 1933, the new sta­ti­on was built on Kapp Lin­né, whe­re the ter­rain was more favoura­ble: the com­ple­te­ly unob­s­truc­ted view to the south allo­wed a more relia­ble radio link with the Nor­we­gi­an main­land. The sta­ti­on initi­al­ly had a crew of four. In 1941, Isfjord Radio was evacua­ted like all the other sett­le­ments on Spits­ber­gen becau­se of the war, and in 1942 the sta­ti­on was des­troy­ed by the Ger­mans, but in July 1945 the important radio ope­ra­ti­on was resu­med, initi­al­ly from a makes­hift hut. A pro­per sta­ti­on was built in 1946, which was rebuilt and exten­ded in 1957. From 1956 to 1976, Isfjord Radio had a staff of 18! This was redu­ced to four in 1976, and to three in 1995.

Kapp Linne, antennas

The lar­ge anten­nas in the evening light. Today they have no func­tion.

For a long time, Isfjord Radio was respon­si­ble for all tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons bet­ween the sett­le­ments of Lon­gye­ar­by­en and Ny-Åle­sund and the out­side world. The­se sett­le­ments were con­nec­ted to Isfjord Radio via radio relay anten­nas. The two anten­nas bet­ween Lon­gye­ar­by­en and Isfjord Radio still exist and are cle­ar­ly visi­ble: One is on Ves­t­pyn­ten, on the shore west of Lon­gye­ar­by­en air­port, the other on a rocky ridge on Kapp Sta­ros­tin, east of Kapp Lin­né.

Pan­ora­ma: the anten­nas

This pan­ora­ma shows the big old para­bo­lic anten­nas. They no lon­ger have any func­tion, but they are a lis­ted con­s­truc­tion. The bird sanc­tua­ry is in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty in the other direc­tion, but of cour­se the­re were no birds the­re at the time of the pho­to (April) and the legal pro­tec­tion only comes into force on 15 May (until 15 August).

In 1999, Isfjord Radio’s tech­no­lo­gy was moder­nis­ed so that it could be ope­ra­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. A tech­ni­ci­an was still on site for a few years, but he didn’t have much to do during nor­mal ope­ra­ti­on.

In 2004, the fib­re-optic cable bet­ween Spits­ber­gen and Nor­way was inau­gu­ra­ted, and sin­ce then the sett­le­ments on Spits­ber­gen have been well con­nec­ted. This not only includes fast inter­net and a relia­ble mobi­le net­work, but also the trans­port of lar­ge amounts of data in real time in both direc­tions from the SvalSat satel­li­te ground sta­ti­on on Pla­tå­berg.

Sin­ce the instal­la­ti­on of the fib­re optic cable, Isfjord Radio has beco­me lar­ge­ly red­un­dant as a radio sta­ti­on. Radio Bodø still uses the sta­ti­on to com­mu­ni­ca­te with ships in the regi­on via VHF, but the old tech­no­lo­gy, inclu­ding the lar­ge south-facing para­bo­lic anten­na, is now a his­to­ri­cal monu­ment. Howe­ver, Isfjord Radio still has tech­ni­cal signi­fi­can­ce bey­ond mari­ti­me coas­tal radio, for exam­p­le for air traf­fic safe­ty.

Kapp Linne, Antennen

Some of Isfjord Radio’s many anten­nas are still in use.

Arc­tic Wil­der­ness Hotel Kapp Lin­né

In 1996, in par­al­lel with the ope­ra­ti­on of the radio sta­ti­on, the pro­ject began to use the incre­asing­ly red­un­dant buil­dings for tou­rism. The Kapp Lin­né Hotel was estab­lished, initi­al­ly run by Telen­or, which was also respon­si­ble for the radio sta­ti­on its­elf. But the ‘Telen­or era’ came to an end after 1999. First, the then lar­ge tour ope­ra­tor SPOT (‘Sval­bard Polar Tra­vel’) took over the ope­ra­ti­on (SPOT was later mer­ged with Spi­Tra (Spits­ber­gen Tra­vel) and Spi­Tra beca­me Hur­tig­ru­ten Sval­bard).

The “Old Sta­ti­on”

This is whe­re visi­tors come to Kapp Lin­né. Abo­ve the door you can read ‘Gam­melstas­jo­nen’, ‘The old sta­ti­on’. The name is self-expl­ana­to­ry: after the war the sta­ti­on was here until 1957. Today the buil­ding is part of the hotel, it has seve­ral guest rooms.

The ent­rance to the for­mer station’s main buil­ding, now Hotel Kapp Lin­né.

In 2005, owner­ship of the land and buil­dings was trans­fer­red from Telen­or to Store Nor­ske Spits­ber­gen Kul­kom­pa­ni, who con­tin­ued to rent out the buil­dings as a hotel. Base­camp Spits­ber­gen took over the hotel in 2008. Base­camp reno­va­ted the inte­ri­or of the buil­dings, which beca­me more ele­gant, but lost some of the nost­al­gic charm of a mid-20th cen­tu­ry polar sta­ti­on.

The ent­rance area insi­de. Behind the clo­sed door is the lar­ge main room, divi­ded into a restau­rant and lounge area. This area is now a litt­le more ele­gant than it was in the 1990s.

The restau­rant area:

Store Nor­ske, as the owner, made some tech­ni­cal chan­ges that were neces­sa­ry after a die­sel leak in 2012. Up to 15 ton­nes of die­sel may have lea­k­ed into the envi­ron­ment. Store Nor­ske also wants to run Kapp Lin­né as a pilot pro­ject for envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly ener­gy sup­p­ly in a small, iso­la­ted place in the Arc­tic. To this end, solar panels were instal­led in 2023 which, tog­e­ther with a bat­tery sys­tem and ther­mal sto­rage, will redu­ce the con­sump­ti­on of die­sel gene­ra­tors by 70%.

Kapp Linne, Photovoltaic system

Pho­to­vol­taic sys­tem at Kapp Lin­né.

The aim is to increase the pro­por­ti­on of rene­wa­ble ener­gy used to power Kapp Lin­né to 90% through wind power in the future, with gene­ra­tors still requi­red for the rema­in­der.

Howe­ver, the legal hurd­les for a wind tur­bi­ne are high, not least becau­se Isfjord Radio is a pro­tec­ted cul­tu­ral monu­ment and the­re is a bird sanc­tua­ry right next door.

Kapp Lin­né, Isfjord Radio – Pho­to gal­lery

Inclu­ding some pic­tures from 1999, which as you can see are scan­ned slides. Memo­ries …

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2025-02-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange