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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Polar desert and glacier landscape in Lady Franklinfjord, Nordaustland

Jäderinfjord, map

Jäder­in­fjord is a bay in Lady Fran­k­lin­fjord on Nord­aus­t­land.

Jäder­in­fjord is a small bay in Lady Fran­k­lin­fjord on the north side of Nord­aus­t­land. This area is one of the least visi­ted parts of Sval­bard, main­ly due to the poor­ly map­ped and some­ti­mes shal­low waters. The area is polar desert-like bar­ren, most­ly flat to hil­ly, and the inland ice – the lar­ge Ves­t­fon­na ice cap with the gla­ciers of Fran­k­lin­brea­ne, which cal­ve into Lady Fran­k­lin­fjord – is just around the cor­ner.

His­to­ri­cal­ly, not­hing has hap­pen­ed in Jäder­in­fjord. This is some­thing of a rari­ty in Sval­bard, with its cen­tu­ries-long histo­ry of inten­si­ve explo­ra­ti­on and explo­ita­ti­on.

Nevert­hel­ess, Jäder­in­fjord is a fasci­na­ting place to visit. The bar­ren land­scape with the lar­ge ice caps just around the cor­ner is fasci­na­ting. I actual­ly wan­ted to take a nice pan­o­r­amic pho­to on the hill we wal­ked up, with a view of Lady Fran­k­lin­fjord and the Ves­t­fon­na ice cap. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, a thick lay­er of fog pre­ven­ted this.

Pho­to coll­ec­tion: Jäder­in­fjord

Final­ly, a few more pic­tures from the short, fog­gy hike in Jäder­in­fjord towards the gla­cier (Aus­t­re Lady Fran­k­lin­breen).

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2025-03-15 · copyright: Rolf Stange