Why should you be interested in the old staircase of a hospital that no longer exists?
The old hospital staircase (“Gamle sykehustrappa”) on 8 March,
shortly before the start of events.
Quite simply because it’s a very important cultural site in Longyearbyen 🙂 Of course, it’s not about the old hospital itself, which was built on this site in 1916, very close to Svalbard church, and demolished in 1978 (it was one of the few buildings in Longyearbyen to survive the German attack in 1943).
The point is that this is exactly where the first rays of sunlight will reach Longyearbyen again on 8 March. After several months without sunshine, this is of course a reason to celebrate, and this is done for a whole week with various cultural events: the “solfestuke” (sun festival week). The highlight is the actual Sun Festival (Solfest) on 8 March.
The Sun Festival week traditionally begins with the very popular Sun Festival Revue.
But you will only enjoy it if you know what has been going on in Longyearbyen over the past 12 months, and if you understand Norwegian.
At 12 noon, half of Longyearbyen’s population gathers on the steps of the old hospital, and with speeches and songs, in which especially the younger children of Longyearbyen are audibly involved, the sun is cheered on until it appears a little later in the south over the mountains – weather permitting, of course. A few minutes later it’s gone again, but it’s amazing how quickly the days get longer and soon you can enjoy the sun again at midday in other parts of Longyearbyen.
The moment when the sun comes out from behind the mountains on 8 March is always a great moment! It is greeted with singing and cheering.
In the lower parts of the town close to the fjord, such as IGP and SSU (the equipment shops on the shore near Adventdalen), you can catch a few rays a few days earlier. But this area didn’t exist when the tradition began, so the return of the sun is celebrated on 8 March.
An open-air church service is also part of the traditional Sun Festival week programme.
And if you want to, you can hike up the Trollsteinen, a mountain south of Longyearbyen, at the end of February and see the sun there at midday.
When the hospital was demolished in 1978, the staircase disappeared with it, but it was later discovered that this place was so important to the people of Longyearbyen, who celebrate the return of the sun, that a new ‘old hospital staircase’ was built there in 1992.
Here are two views of the old hospital staircase in panoramic mode …
And a small collection of photos from the sun festival, the main event on 8 March on the stairs of the old hospital, and some of the associated events.
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